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お酒買取専門店 JOYLABretailWhere to buy Japanese whisky in Hakata


お酒買取専門店 JOYLABretailWhere to buy Japanese whisky in Hakata
JOYLAB Sake store sales retail Where to buy Japanese whisky in Hakata

Where to buy Japanese whisky in Hakata

If you want to buy Japanese whiskey in Hakata, it is available at JOYLAB Fukuoka Tenjin store.

Please inquire in advance about availability before coming to the store if you want to make sure of these.

There is translation tool available at the store, so don’t worry if you don’t speak Japanese.

We look forward to seeing you at our stores.

JOYLAB Fukuoka Tenjin store

福岡 お酒買取専門店 JOYLAB 福岡天神店_メイン

Address 1-19-15 Imaizumi Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka-ken 810-0021 Japan
Business Hours 10:00 ~ 19:00
Holiday Every Thursday, New Year’s holiday
Mail Address fukuoka@joylab.jp
More Details


Access Map

Five places you should visit in Hakata

Here are five places you should visit in Hakata.

1. Kushida Shrine

Kushida Shrine, nestled in the heart of Hakata, is a significant cultural landmark and a spiritual center for the local community. Established in the 8th century, this Shinto shrine plays a pivotal role in Hakata’s annual Gion Yamakasa festival, a vibrant and energetic event that attracts visitors from across Japan and the world. The shrine’s grounds are home to several historical artifacts, including a massive Otafuku mask and a portable shrine used in the festival. Visiting Kushida Shrine offers insights into the local traditions and religious practices that have been preserved for centuries.

2. Hakata Machiya Folk Museum

The Hakata Machiya Folk Museum provides a window into the traditional lifestyle and crafts of the Hakata region. The museum is housed in beautifully restored machiya houses, typical of the merchant class in the Edo period. Exhibits showcase the daily life, festivals, and traditional crafts of Hakata, including the renowned Hakata-ori textiles. The museum also hosts live demonstrations of crafts such as weaving and pottery, offering an interactive experience that brings the rich cultural heritage of Hakata to life.

3. Canal City Hakata

Canal City Hakata is a sprawling shopping and entertainment complex that has become a symbol of modern Hakata. Known as a “city within a city,” its innovative design incorporates a man-made canal running through the complex, surrounded by shops, cafes, restaurants, theaters, and hotels. The complex also features regular water shows and hosts various events, making it a lively spot for entertainment and leisure. Canal City’s blend of retail, culture, and art, including murals and sculptures by international artists, makes it a must-visit for those looking to experience the contemporary side of Hakata.

4. Hakata Traditional Craft and Design Museum

The Hakata Traditional Craft and Design Museum is dedicated to preserving and showcasing the rich craft heritage of the Hakata area. The museum displays a wide array of traditional crafts, including Hakata dolls, Hakata-ori textiles, and ceramics. Through its exhibits and workshops, the museum offers a deep dive into the craftsmanship and design philosophy that underpin these traditional arts. Visitors can also participate in craft-making workshops, providing a hands-on experience with the techniques and materials that have been passed down through generations.

5. Shofukuji Temple

Shofukuji Temple holds the distinction of being Japan’s first Zen temple, founded in 1195 by the priest Eisai, who introduced Zen Buddhism and tea cultivation to Japan. The temple’s tranquil grounds, with classic Zen architecture and serene gardens, offer a peaceful retreat from the urban hustle. While the main buildings are not open to the public, visitors can stroll around the temple grounds and soak in the atmosphere of Zen tranquility. The temple’s historical significance and its role in the spread of Zen Buddhism in Japan make it a fascinating site for those interested in religious history and architecture.

These five destinations in Hakata – Kushida Shrine, Hakata Machiya Folk Museum, Canal City Hakata, Hakata Traditional Craft and Design Museum, and Shofukuji Temple – each offer a unique perspective on the district’s rich cultural fabric. From the spiritual heritage of ancient temples and shrines to the vibrant consumer culture of modern shopping complexes, and from the preservation of traditional crafts to the celebration of local festivals, Hakata presents a compelling blend of history, culture, and modernity that is both enriching and captivating for visitors.

Stores and Contact Information

JOYLAB Roppongi store

Address 3-4-11-B1 Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo-to 106-0041 Japan
Business Hours 10:00~19:00
Holiday Every Thursday, New Year’s holiday
Mail Address roppongi@joylab.jp
More Details https://joylab.jp/shop/roppongi/

JOYLAB Nagoya store

Address 3-8-10 Osu, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi-ken 460-0011 Japan
Business Hours 10:00~19:00
Holiday Every Wednesday, New Year’s holiday
Mail Address nagoya@joylab.jp
More Details https://joylab.jp/shop/nagoya/

Brandear Umeda store

Address 1-4-18, Dojimahama, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka-fu 530-0004, Japan
Business Hours 10:00~19:00
Holiday Every Thursday, New Year’s holiday
Mail Address umeda@joylab.jp
More Details https://joylab.jp/shop/umeda/

JOYLAB Fukuoka Tenjin store

Address 1-19-15-1F Imaizumi, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka-ken 810-0021 Japan
Business Hours 10:00~19:00
Holiday Every Thursday, New Year’s holiday
Mail Address fukuoka@joylab.jp
More Details https://joylab.jp/shop/fukuoka/

