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お酒買取専門店 JOYLABretailWhere to buy Hakushu whisky in Fukuoka


お酒買取専門店 JOYLABretailWhere to buy Hakushu whisky in Fukuoka
JOYLAB Sake store sales retail Where to buy Hakushu whisky in Fukuoka

Where to buy Hakushu whisky in Fukuoka

If you want to buy Hakushu whiskey (NV / 12 years / 18 years / more) in Fukuoka, it is available at JOYLAB Fukuoka Tenjin store.

Please inquire in advance about availability before coming to the store if you want to make sure of these.

There is translation tool available at the store, so don’t worry if you don’t speak Japanese.

We look forward to seeing you at our stores.

JOYLAB Fukuoka Tenjin store

福岡 お酒買取専門店 JOYLAB 福岡天神店_メイン

Address 1-19-15 Imaizumi Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka-ken 810-0021 Japan
Business Hours 10:00 ~ 19:00
Holiday Every Thursday, New Year’s holiday
Mail Address fukuoka@joylab.jp
More Details


Access Map

Five recommended culinary delights in Fukuoka

Here are five recommended culinary delights in Fukuoka.

1. Hakata Ramen

No visit to Fukuoka is complete without indulging in Hakata ramen, the city’s signature dish renowned for its rich, creamy pork-bone broth (tonkotsu) and thin, firm noodles. Ichiran and Ippudo, two of Japan’s most famous ramen chains, originated here, offering the quintessential Hakata ramen experience with their focus on simplicity and flavor. However, beyond these well-known spots, Fukuoka is dotted with countless ramen shops, each adding its own twist to this beloved dish. Exploring the city’s ramen scene, from street-side stalls to hidden local gems, provides insight into the soulful culinary tradition of Fukuoka.

2. Yatai Street Food Stalls

Fukuoka’s yatai (mobile food stalls) are emblematic of the city’s vibrant street food culture. These open-air stalls, primarily located along the Nakasu River and Tenjin area, offer a variety of dishes ranging from yakitori (grilled chicken skewers) and oden (a hearty winter stew) to tempura and more. Dining at a yatai provides not just a meal but an experience, allowing patrons to enjoy delicious food while engaging in lively conversations with the chefs and fellow diners. The communal atmosphere and the diverse offerings make yatai a must-try for those seeking an authentic taste of Fukuoka’s local life.

3. Mentaiko

Mentaiko (spicy cod roe), a specialty of Fukuoka, is a delicacy with a unique flavor that has gained popularity throughout Japan. This seasoned roe can be enjoyed in various ways, from being served with rice or pasta to being used as a filling in onigiri (rice balls) or as a topping on pizza. Several shops in Fukuoka, such as Ganso Hakata Mentaiju, specialize in dishes featuring mentaiko, offering visitors a chance to taste this local favorite in its many delicious forms. The savory, slightly spicy taste of mentaiko captures the essence of Fukuoka’s coastal culinary culture.

4. Mizutaki

Mizutaki, a comforting hot pot dish, is another Fukuoka specialty that showcases the simplicity and depth of Japanese cuisine. Consisting of chicken, vegetables, and tofu simmered in a light, savory broth, mizutaki is both nourishing and flavorful. The dish is typically served with a dipping sauce, enhancing the natural sweetness of the ingredients. Restaurants specializing in mizutaki, like Hakata Hanamidori, offer a cozy, communal dining experience, making it a perfect choice for colder months or for those looking to enjoy a meal with friends and family.

5. Sushi and Seafood

Given its coastal location, Fukuoka boasts an abundance of fresh seafood, making it an ideal destination for sushi and sashimi enthusiasts. The city’s fish markets, such as the Yanagibashi Rengo Market, are bustling with activity, offering the freshest catch of the day. Sushi restaurants in Fukuoka range from high-end establishments where master chefs craft exquisite pieces of nigiri to casual spots where diners can enjoy a leisurely meal. Sampling the local seafood, whether at a traditional sushi bar or a modern eatery, provides a taste of Fukuoka’s rich maritime heritage.

These five culinary experiences in Fukuoka – from the hearty bowls of Hakata ramen and the lively yatai stalls to the savory delights of mentaiko, the communal warmth of mizutaki, and the fresh bounty of sushi and seafood – offer a journey through the flavors that define the city’s food culture. Each dish, rooted in tradition yet open to innovation, reflects Fukuoka’s status as a culinary capital, inviting visitors to explore and savor the rich tapestry of tastes that make up this vibrant Japanese city.

Stores and Contact Information

JOYLAB Roppongi store

Address 3-4-11-B1 Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo-to 106-0041 Japan
Business Hours 10:00~19:00
Holiday Every Thursday, New Year’s holiday
Mail Address roppongi@joylab.jp
More Details https://joylab.jp/shop/roppongi/

JOYLAB Nagoya store

Address 3-8-10 Osu, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi-ken 460-0011 Japan
Business Hours 10:00~19:00
Holiday Every Wednesday, New Year’s holiday
Mail Address nagoya@joylab.jp
More Details https://joylab.jp/shop/nagoya/

Brandear Umeda store

Address 1-4-18, Dojimahama, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka-fu 530-0004, Japan
Business Hours 10:00~19:00
Holiday Every Thursday, New Year’s holiday
Mail Address umeda@joylab.jp
More Details https://joylab.jp/shop/umeda/

JOYLAB Fukuoka Tenjin store

Address 1-19-15-1F Imaizumi, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka-ken 810-0021 Japan
Business Hours 10:00~19:00
Holiday Every Thursday, New Year’s holiday
Mail Address fukuoka@joylab.jp
More Details https://joylab.jp/shop/fukuoka/

